Does your salt craving mean something?


Salt, it’s everywhere we look usually, it’s probably up there on our craving list, and salty foods taste good. And salt isn’t bad in moderation – it is needed by our bodies to function! But does your salt craving mean anything? Well sometimes it might. Here are the most common reasons for salt cravings:



If you are not getting enough H20 each day, your body will in fact encourage you to drinking water. Salt not only helps retain fluid but will also make you thirsty. So, by craving salt, consuming salt and becoming thirsty you will drink water (well hopefully water!) and fix being dehydrated!


Lacking in Calcium

If your body runs low on calcium, a hit of sodium can temporarily increase the calcium levels in your blood to trick your body into thinking the problem is fixed (although it isn’t!). When craving salt try to remember your food intake for the last few days and if you notice a lack of calcium then try changing this before you head for the salt. Dairy products and substitutes are a great place to start when looking for good calcium sources such as milks, yoghurts and cheese but also try to add in other foods such as tofu, spinach, kale and broccoli.

If you know you lack calcium regularly it is also a good idea to avoid having excess salt as it increases excretion (getting the calcium out of your body) and leads to absorbing less calcium.



Besides pregnancy just making you want things you may usually not want, that pesky morning sickness tends to lead to dehydration leading to salt cravings to help fix the problem.


Looking for a crunch 

Sometimes it’s not about the salt in a salt craving. Sometimes it’s about the texture such as crunchy foods, which has been linked in some cases to being frustrated, angry or stressed.


Addison’s Disease

If salt cravings are more than occasional it might be time to get checked out by the doc to make sure everything is ok and not a symptom of something more serious such as Addison’s disease. Addison’s disease can cause a decrease in the number of hormones being produced by the adrenal glands. As well as causing salt cravings it can also cause muscle aches and weakness, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, low blood pressure and weight loss. Note – this is a rare disease and should only be diagnosed by a medical professional.

So, what should you do when all you want is salt?

First of all, drink water!

Then if you are going to reach for something salty try something with nutritional benefit such as roast veggies, a slice or two of cheese, a handful of nuts or popcorn or even try raw veggies with peanut butter.

And don’t forget to drink that water!!


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